The organization of general education is carried out with the aim of creating favorable conditions for the right to receive free education, for the education of each child, the prevention of repetition, dropout of students, for the right to receive free education.
In order to implement the law "On Education", the state program "Education", order No. 463 dated December 4, 1997 of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main task of the teaching staff of our school is to organize the education of schoolchildren from 6 to 18 years old.
All houses at the beginning of the school year are assigned to teachers by order of the director.
Each house has a notebook, where, as a result of bypassing the microsite, teachers enter all children from 0 to 18 years old. For each academic year, there are 2 control tours of the microsection (August, January), during which the children's contingent is monitored. Work is underway to identify "disorganized" children (5-6 years old, not attending preschool institutions). All changes are entered into the computer base No. 1 "Microsection" and base No. 2 "School contingent".
The location of the school and the conditions for organizing the educational process make it possible to cover children living in nearby areas with universal education.
Teachers visit the sites in a timely manner, and annually a prospective registration of children aged 5.6 is carried out.
Throughout the school year, responsible teachers in the districts conduct conversations with parents of children aged 5-6 about placing them in pre-school and first grades.In order to implement the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, Order No. 463 of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Order No. 770 of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Taraz dated July 30, 2013 on the implementation of universal education in identifying non-educational children on the territory of the micro-site of the school, mobile groups are created annually . These groups carry out raids on the micro-section of the school. They identify children who are not covered by training, who are engaged in begging, who are in a difficult life situation. Members of the mobile group are talking with the owners of shops located in the micro-section of the school that the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to minors is prohibited.
One of the forms of implementation of universal education is the months that take place in September and January, within the framework of which charitable events "Care", "Road to School" are held, in which teachers, parents and students take part.
The purpose of the action is to provide support to schoolchildren from low-income and large families during the preparation for the beginning of the school year and to prevent children from attending school for social reasons.
From the city fund "Vseobuch" uniforms, stationery and footwear for children from low-income families are annually allocated.
From year to year, teachers and the school administration pay great attention and provide support to children from low-income families.
They receive 100% textbooks in accordance with the "Rules for providing textbooks to students and pupils of the educational organization", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 173 of February 19, 2003.One of the tasks of universal education is the full coverage of school-age children with education, the provision of general compulsory secondary education, where attendance at classes is put at the head of the fulfillment of this task. The attendance rate is the key to quality education.
Attendance of students is one of the most important aspects of the educational process and therefore is constantly under the control of the administration and the teaching staff of the school.
The school has developed a certain system of control over the attendance of students. Daily control over the attendance of students is carried out according to the following principle: at the first lesson, subject teachers collect information about absent students, which gets to the class teachers. Class teachers contact parents, finding out the reasons for the absence of students. They report on the reasons for students' absences to the head teachers in shifts. At the end of the week, class teachers submit information on students' passes, presenting certificates, explanatory notes from parents, acts of visiting families, which are concentrated in storage folders. Every Monday, at a planning meeting with the director of the school, the head teachers give weekly information on the attendance of students at the school.
Such a system allows for constant monitoring of student attendance, identifying students who miss classes without good reason, with whom the following work is carried out: individual conversations, calling parents to the school for conversations with deputy directors for water resources management, PV, the school principal.